API Resources

GET /Cards/{Set}/{Card}

Supported formats: json, image, txt

Returns a single card that matches the given set and number

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json', 'csv', or 'txt' (defaults to 'json')
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable
face : Boolean : If true, returns the back art of the image, if it exists

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/cards/sor/10
Returns Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith

Redirects to the image of Emperor's Royal Guard

GET /Cards/{Set}

Supported formats: json, csv

Returns all cards in the given set

(This is equivalent to GET /cards/search?q=set:sor)

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' or 'csv'
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable
order : String : The column you wish to order results by
dir : String : The direction of the sort (defaults to 'asc')

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/cards/sor
Returns all cards in Spark of Rebellion

GET /Cards/Search

Supported formats: json, csv

Returns a list of cards that match the given search

Valid Query Parameters are:

q (required) : String : The search query to perform
format : String : 'json' or 'csv'
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable
order : String : The column you wish to order results by
dir : String : The direction of the sort (defaults to 'asc')

Valid input for order:
'name', 'setnumber', 'power', 'cost', 'hp', 'type', 'rarity', 'traits', 'aspects', 'artist', 'arenas',

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/cards/search?q=set:sor&format=csv&order=setnumber
Retrieves all cards in the SOR set in CSV format sorted by set number

Retrieves all cards with a Cost of 3 in human readable JSON format

GET /catalog/card-names

Supported format: json

Returns a list of all unique card names

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' is only currently supported
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable
subtitles : Boolean : If true, card names will include the subtitles appended to the name (This is the default behavior)

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/card-names?subtitles=false
Retrieves all unique card names, but ignores subtitles

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/card-names
Retrieves all unique card names with their subtitles

GET /catalog/traits

Supported format: json

Returns a list of all traits

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' is only currently supported
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/traits
Retrieves all traits

GET /catalog/keywords

Supported format: json

Returns a list of all keywords

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' is only currently supported
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/keywords
Retrieves all keywords

GET /catalog/artist-names

Supported format: json

Returns a list of all artists

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' is only currently supported
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/artist-names
Retrieves all artists

GET /catalog/powers

Supported format: json

Returns a list of all powers

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' is only currently supported
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/powers
Retrieves all powers

GET /catalog/hps

Supported format: json

Returns a list of all HPs

Valid Query Parameters are:

format : String : 'json' is only currently supported
pretty : Boolean : If true, the json will be human readable

For example: https://api.swu-db.com/catalog/hps
Retrieves all HPs